


事情发生的经过: T​he General Assembly overrode two more of the governor's vetoes -- of bills concerning the presentation of constitutional amendment proposals on November's ballot and how party affiliation is determined and shown on the ballot's judicial races -- in an uncommon Saturday session.
单词释义: 目前是诉讼. A state Supreme Court candidate is suing because one of the bills removes his party affiliation from the ballot. NAACP alongside an environmental group have sued to remove four of the six constitutional amendment proposals from the ballot. 政府. 罗伊·库珀正在起诉 over two of the proposed constitutional amendments that would transfer certain powers of the governor to the legislature.
利用: 下周将举行一场针对修正案提案挑战的听证会. 这可能会影响投票结果, 根据选举时间表,哪些需要尽快完成.
瘦子: The legislature isn't scheduled to reconvene until after the mid-term elections. For now, eyes are on the legal challenges, and interim legislative committees continue to meet.

时间不多了! 今天北 2018年城市视觉展. 定于9月9日上映的《山核桃. 19-21, CityVision is the League's premier event full of engaging keynote speakers and informative sessions that will give you the tools you need to face the challenges in your hometowns head on. 今年, CityVision will offer roundtable discussions following each general session to address shared challenges, connect with regional partners and engage in facilitated discussions to gain practical information that you can use immediately.
This is the best opportunity for municipal officials from around the state to dive deep into issues like broadband and technology, 基础设施, 打造城市品牌, 最重要的是, grants -- finding the money you need to prepare your municipality for tomorrow. State Attorney General Josh Stein is also on the agenda to discuss the scourge of opioid abuse and how communities can fight back. The annual conference also is where members elect officers and make any constitutional or bylaw changes. 预登记于8月11日星期五结束. 24, so 早期注册以避免增加免预约登记费.

之后,大会休会了其特别会议 周末投票 推翻州长最近的两项否决. 现在在法律上, HB 3 sets the captioning for all six constitutional amendments that the legislature is putting before the electorate this fall, with House and Senate leaders saying the bill was necessary to give voters simple, 非政治语言. 每一项修正案的标题都是“宪法修正案”," instead of more descriptive writing that legislative leaders say could confuse or mislead voters. 另一项法案, SB 3, shows a judicial candidate's party affiliation only if they had not changed that affiliation within 90 days of registering for that office.

该法案的反对者很快提起了诉讼. 其中之一, 来自全国有色人种协进会和卡罗莱纳清洁空气组织, seeks to block four of the proposed amendments on the grounds that they were unconstitutionally drafted. 政府. 罗伊·库珀正在起诉 为了保留某些权力, 就像约会, that two of the constitutional amendment proposals would transfer to the General Assembly. 最高法院候选人克里斯·安格林正在起诉 恢复他希望在选票上他名字旁边的“R”称号, sb3移除它的机制. 安格林表示,如果他提出法律挑战,他将退出竞选, 定于下周举行听证会, 不是成功的.  A hearing on the challenges to the constitutional amendment proposals is set for Aug. 17. “内部州政府新闻服务”(Insider State 政府ernment News Service)周五报道称,N.C. State Board of Elections had hoped to finish work on the ballots this week but, 根据诉讼, 不确定能否在预定的9月11日之前准备好. 发放缺席邮寄选票.


N.C. 税务局 本周公布 从11月开始. 1, it would begin requiring certain retailers to collect state and local sales and use taxes on all online purchases. 这项规定只适用于销售额超过100美元的零售商,000 in online sales or more than 200 transactions sourced to North Carolina in a calendar year. 它也只适用于11月11日当天或之后的销售. 1.  该部门的指令是在美国政府公布该计划之后发布的.S. 最高法院的判决(在6月22日的公报中强调)在南达科塔州v. Wayfair公司., in which the court found that physical presence is not necessary to create “substantial nexus” between a seller and a taxing state. The 税务局 did not release any estimates of the amount of additional revenue expected to be collected from online retailers. 一些国家组织已经做出了估计,例如 这个来自政府问责局 从11月. 2017, that focus on the total amount of state and local tax revenues estimated to be collected under directives like this one. 甚至在此指令之前, some large online sellers had already been collecting sales and use taxes in North Carolina. Revenues from sales in the month of November will generally begin to be distributed to local governments in the February sales tax distribution. Local governments may wish to wait until receiving distributions in February and beyond before assessing the amount of any increase in sales tax revenue they will see.

Legislators on Monday dove into policy issues surrounding new modes of transportation that may appear futuristic now but are under development and coming cities’ way. 应对 演讲 regarding autonomous vehicles, bikeshares, electric scooters, and micro-transit, members of 众议院临时运输委员会 提出了有关公共安全、纳税义务和保险的问题. 委员会成员向议长罗杰·伦茨提出了质询, 威尔逊市的首席规划和发展官, regarding the city’s pursuit of a micro-transit solution to meet its mass transit needs. 伦茨解释说,他希望微运输, 它使用一种基于应用程序的技术,类似于优步(Uber)等拼车服务, would eventually expand Wilson’s ability to connect residents to shopping and doctors’ appointments. This committee discussion represented the first time many of these modes of transportation had been discussed in the N.C. General Assembly, though the legislature has discussed autonomous vehicles for several years now. 作为这些讨论的结果 2017年的法律目前,该团和几名市政府官员参加了一项活动 咨询委员会 负责就公共安全等议题提出政策建议, 交通规划, 保险, 以及自动驾驶汽车的许可. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

温斯顿—塞勒姆 代表. 艾德·哈 resigned from the General Assembly on Tuesday after six years in the House seat. “It has been an honor and a great privilege to serve and represent my friends and neighbors in District 72,” 媒体 引用汉斯的话. “我感谢我的家人在我服役期间对我的支持.” Outlets also reported that Hanes wants Winston-Salem City Council Member and 365足彩下载董事会 Member Derwin Montgomery to fill his unexpired term. 哈内斯辞职前正在竞选连任.

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