


Town Hall Day 2016 was a huge success for municipalities across North Carolina, 和 we've prepared a 特别视频重播 事件的活动. 的y included an issues briefing with League staff, 与立法机构领导人会谈, 包括州长在内的州政府高级官员组成的小组. 帕特·麦克罗里 和 plenty of positive communication about how municipalities are helping the state grow. 点击这里观看视频, led off by League 1st Vice President Bob Matheny, 西布伦市长. Scroll down for complete coverage of Town Hall Day 2016, 和 thanks to all who participated.

戴着365足彩下载的绿色领带和围巾, more than 500 municipal officials from across North Carolina converged in Raleigh on Wednesday for one of the most successful Town Hall Days in the books -- one that brought out Gov. 帕特·麦克罗里, 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔 和 other powerful guests who heard the League's message directly from membership. 的 annual day of municipal advocacy at the 立法 Building -- under some of the prettiest weather all season -- saw local leaders make positive connections with their House 和 森ate delegates in discussions over issues important to great hometowns of all sizes. While individual cities 和 towns had the chance to talk about specific local concerns or projects with their representatives, the overarching theme was "what municipal government brings to the state of North Carolina, how they help the state economically 和 are just a vital asset to the state,365足彩下载第一副主席鲍勃·马西尼说, 西布伦市长. “所以有很多伟大的代表, 和 I believe they (大会 legislators) heard what we had to say."

森. Joyce Krawiec meets with town leaders from Lewisville 和 Clemmons, 这是她在国会代表的选区的一部分.C. 大会. Face-to-face meetings with legislators were a big part of Town Hall Day. 所有照片:本·布朗

立法者, 在与当地领导人的面对面会谈中, heard that North Carolina's diverse municipalities account for 79 percent of all taxable property in the state, 80%的工作, 占所有零售额的75%. 的y heard that cities 和 towns are the engines of our state's growing economy, with investments by cities 和 towns helping to fuel that growth. 随后, economic development 和 job creation end up being the top priorities to maintain that momentum. It was important that municipal leaders came prepared with specific data points from their locales to show lawmakers how local investments matter to that shared mission. For one, Elkin directly invested 和 administratively supported grant applications totaling $1.5 million toward renovating a historic tobacco warehouse called 的 Liberty. 的 tax value ended up quadrupling at the site that now houses a wine shop, 餐厅, 书店, 会议场地及宴会厅.

League 执行董事 Paul Meyer welcoming the hundreds of municipal officials who turned out for Town Hall Day 2016.

Town Hall Day 2016 began at the Quorum Center in downtown Raleigh with legislative-issues briefings from 1st Vice President Matheny 和 League staff before teams of town officials shuttled to the 立法 Building to meet with their legislators 和 tour the facilities w在这里 state laws are made. 的 afternoon kicked off with League 2nd Vice President Michael Lazarra, 杰克逊维尔临时市长, 是谁把拥挤的礼堂介绍给我们的 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔 for an update 和 audience questions focused on the state budget 和 other legislative matters. 代表. 约翰Torbett, a chairman of the House Transportation Committee, followed 和 told local officials that he doesn't see transportation solutions as a partisan game, but rather one of cooperation 和 communication between local 和 state governments. After a popular ice cream social, Town Hall Day-goers filled an auditorium at the N.C. Museum of History to hear Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina CEO Christopher Chung, 引入的 365足彩下载委员会 Member Willliam Pitt of the Washington City Council. Chung told cities that real estate availability is the key to recruiting business, 和 that sufficient inventory is vital in order to compete.

Left to right: Clayton Mayor Jody McLeod, Cary Council Member Jennifer Robinson, Gov. 帕特·麦克罗里,DEQ部. Donald van der Vaart, Commerce Department Chief of Staff Cecilia Holden.

Chung's comments about business success 和 partnership were the perfect intro for the next, 杰出的小组成员名单——州长. 帕特·麦克罗里; Department of Environmental Quality Secretary Donald van der Vaart; Assistant Secretary for Veterans Affairs James Prosser; Department of Commerce Chief of Staff Cecilia Holden; 和 Department of Transportation Secretary Nick Tennyson. "Right now North Carolina's economic recovery is the fastest 和 greatest economic recovery in the United States of America, 到今天为止, 在过去的三年里.... And a lot of it was due to feedback from you," Gov. 麦克罗里说. He added that travel 和 tourism dollars "are doing extremely well this year, too." 的 governor also thanked the League for its support of the 连接NC键合包 今年选民以压倒性多数通过了这项法案. 套餐包括309美元.5 million for improvements to local water 和 sewer systems -- crucial for supporting not only health, 还有业务增长. "You're going to start feeling the impact of those bonds," Gov. 麦克罗里说.

House Speaker Tim Moore updates League members on state budget progress 和 fields audience questions about legislative matters. 

市政厅日的成功, which concluded with a reception at the Museum of History, was due to the amazing attendance of League members 和 the participation of its guests. 的 League would like to thank the hundreds of municipal officials from across the state who traveled to Raleigh to deliver a unified message. 365足彩下载也要感谢州长. 麦克罗里, Speaker Moore 和 all other state officials who donated their time to the League's membership.

阅读市政厅日的新闻报道 在这里, 在这里 和 在这里.

Tweaks to certain l和-use 和 public records laws highlighted the regulatory reforms of interest to cities 和 towns in this year's first House regulatory reform bill, 星期三介绍的. 两周后 the 森ate debuted its annual regulatory reform package众议院的法案, 2016年sb303监管改革法案, received two committee hearings this week 和 appeared poised for a full chamber vote next week. If your municipality has concerns about any provisions in this bill, please contact your legislators over the weekend to inform them of the effects.

While House members will likely add more sections to the bill via floor amendments, so far the provisions of most interest to municipalities include:

  • 重新规划. By operation of law, makes any zoning amendment also a comprehensive plan amendment. 就统一发展条例而言, 任何对分区条例的投票都会, 通过法律的实施, 也可作为《365体育足彩》的修正案. (第二部分.4)
  • 细分的变化. Exempts from subdivision controls (except for recording a plat) any subdivisions of l和 greater than five acres into three-or-less lots. Also exempts from all subdivision controls those subdivisions done in accordance with the terms of a probated will or the state's intestate succession laws. (第二部分.5)
  • 土地使用违规/诉讼时效. Institutes a three-year statute of limitations for enforcement of any local or state l和-use regulations, beginning when a violation is "apparent" from a public right-of-way or in plain view from a place to which the public is invited. 包含此限制的一个排除项, in the cases of enforcement of dangers to public health or safety. (第二部分.6)
  • 公共记录. Allows public agencies to exclusively fulfill public records responsibilities by making public records or computer databases available online in a downloadable format. 这项规定可能与现行法律相冲突, which requires agencies to produce records in any format in which they exist, 要求. (第二部分.11)

另外, the House bill was amended in committee to include a study of the North Carolina Building Codes (Sec. 2.15). 的 N.C. 消防队长协会 has expressed concern about the study as it relates to fire inspections.

比如参议院的监管改革法案, the House bill also removed reporting requirements for state agencies 和 local governments, 包括 最近的要求 for cities 和 towns to tell the state about certain engineering plan review processes. 的 森ate took further action on its bill this week, amending it in ways that do not affect cities 和 towns. 的 森ate calendared its bill for a vote Monday night. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

In an attempt to balance concerns about transparency 和 privacy, a House committee this week approved new language regarding the release of law enforcement recordings -- 包括 those from body-worn cameras. HB 972 Law Enforcement Recordings/No Public Record now addresses any audio 和 video recordings of a law enforcement agency, 有一些例外, 和 makes it clear that these recordings are neither a public record nor a personnel record. 的 proposed legislation then provides a detailed framework for when that recording may be viewed or released 和 to whom, providing statutory guidance to law enforcement officials 和 courts.

这项新提案更新了研究委员会建议的语言 和, as before, does not m和ate use of body-worn cameras. 365足彩下载谢谢 委员会成员 和 bill sponsors for their thoughtful consideration of a complicated topic. 该法案接下来将由国会听取 众议院财政委员会 然后由众议院全体投票表决. 阅读更多 在这里在这里. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

A new study has found Raleigh among the best metro markets in the country for millennials to achieve the dream of homeownership. Millennials nationally have made up the largest share of buyers for three consecutive years, according to the National Association of Realtors, whose recent research has found greater Raleigh as one of the 10 best bets when factoring in existing millennial population, job growth 和 lower qualifying income levels needed for home purchases. 根据该组织的报告, big cities like New York 和 Los Angeles are a first-choice for many millennials, but pose a challenge when it comes to affordability. 与此同时, several "middle-tier" cities like Raleigh that are experiencing strong growth offer the young age group a feasible option. Raleigh 和 the surrounding area was chosen alongside cities like Austin, Texas; Charleston, S.C.; Portl和, Ore.; 和 Washington, D.C. “An overwhelming majority of young renters recently said they eventually want to buy a home,劳伦斯·云说, 该协会的首席经济学家. “As long as new 和 existing-home supply keeps up to meet dem和 和 holds prices from rising too quickly, these identified areas are poised to lead the way in helping millennials realize their American dream of becoming a homeowner.” 点击这里 有关该研究的详细信息.