


For a second straight week, 冬天的天气成为州议员们试图让立法委员会的程序全面进行的主要障碍. 本周吹过该州的两个不同的风暴系统意味着周三和周四的更多委员会会议被取消, skeleton floor sessions without votes, and fewer bills filled. 好消息是:最新的天气预报显示,下周气温会变暖,不会出现冰冻降水.

众议院领导人本周提交了一份重要的就业招聘和经济发展法案,该法案将大幅增加州长奥巴马的预算. Pat McCrory has to bring new businesses to the state. HB 117 NC Competes Act 是否会将该州关键职位招聘计划的两年资金上限提高一倍, the 工作 Development Investment Grant, 或JDIG. The legislation also would rename the program, calling it the Job Growth Reimbursement Opportunities -- People Program. Funding for an infrastructure grant program would also be restored under the bill.

The legislation, though, does not include all of the items wanted by the governor. 与此同时, 参议院领导人立即开始质疑该法案的某些方面以及JDIG项目的有效性. 森. Andy Wells of Hickory 当被问及是否有办法将更多的资金投向农村和该州的贫困地区时. Read more about the House incentives bill 在这里.

本周,由于冬季天气原因,众议院对参议院汽油税立法的审议再次被推迟, 但立法者确实讨论了北卡罗来纳州交通资金流面临的一些长期问题. At a meeting this week of the Joint Transportation Appropriations Committee, 森. Bill Rabon of Southport characterized a looming funding gap for transportation needs as "a crisis.Rabon是参议院法案的发起人之一,该法案旨在增加运输收入,因为这些美元由于燃料价格下跌而减少. The League is supporting SB 20 IRC Update/Motor Fuels Taxes 并继续敦促共青团成员与他们的立法委员联系,以支持该法案.

美国运输部(State Department of Transportation)官员向议员概述了一些可能替代燃油税的方案。他们关注的是,随着汽车燃油效率的提高和替代燃料的使用,交通运输资金将受到长期侵蚀. The committee took no action, 但预计众议院将考虑额外的运输立法,其中可能包括运输债券的发行. Read more about Tuesday's meeting 在这里.

美国联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission)周四采取行动,先发制人地阻止了2011年一项阻止威尔逊市扩大其绿光高速宽带系统的州法律. The FCC's action on petitions from Wilson and the City of Chattanooga, Tenn., had been hinted at for weeks, 联邦通信委员会主席汤姆·惠勒评论说,他认为这样的州法律是反竞争的,对消费者有害. The ruling is expected to affect only Wilson and Chattanooga initially, 联邦通信委员会预计要到下周初才会发布解释这一决定的命令.

365足彩下载曾反对并试图阻止2011年州法律的通过,并于8月提起诉讼 公开评论 in support of Wilson's petition, applauds the FCC for the decision. 365足彩下载认为,这一决定可以为私营和公共宽带提供商之间的更多合作打开大门,将关键的高速互联网服务带到北卡罗来纳州的更多地区. In comments released on Thursday, 365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶指出,没有这些基础设施的地区将处于经济劣势. “联邦通信委员会今天的裁决认识到企业和居民对高速互联网接入的关键需求,以促进所有北卡罗来纳人的教育成就和经济机会, whether the Last Mile provider is a municipal government or a private company,迈耶说. Read the League's full news release in response to the FCC decision 在这里.

The decision did not sit well with some members of Congress, including North Carolina U.S. 森. 托姆拳手. Tillis is among the sponsors of 一项法案 immediately filed seeking to overturn the FCC ruling. 参议员提利斯认为,市政拥有的宽带系统给纳税人带来了不必要的成本,而且联邦通信委员会的裁决干涉了各州的主权. You can read about push back from Congress 在这里. Read about the FCC's decision 在这里 and previous League coverage 在这里.

谷歌光纤并不是唯一一家投资该公司将高速光纤电缆带到夏洛特和罗利-达勒姆大都市区的实体. 将受益的城市也在投入资金和时间来实现这一目标. A recent article in The Triangle Business Journal details the work being done by cities as a part of the effort. 这个报告 来自卡里镇的报告还列出了与该项目有关的额外资金需求. 

谷歌光纤在一月份宣布,夏洛特和三角地区的市政当局将是其高速光纤电缆的下一个名单. 谷歌的服务将提供比普通宽带连接快100倍的速度. Cary的报告和三角商业杂志的文章清楚地表明,该公司的投资还需要市政当局自己做大量的新工作,以使这项服务成为可能.

市政厅日 is just around the corner. 注册 now for this key day of advocacy, on March 18, for North Carolina towns and cities. The day is a great opportunity for League members to visit legislators, make municipalities' priorities known to them, 当涉及到重要城镇的重要性时,要展示人数的力量. Because the agricultural community is also using this day as a lobby day, it is critical to make appointments now with members of your legislative delegation. Also, don't forget to wear your League green. 

The day will include a legislative briefing from the League's Governmental Affairs Team, meetings with House and 森ate leaders, discussions with representatives of state agencies, and an evening reception with legislators and key state leaders. 点击 在这里 to register and come be a part of this great event.

A photo exhibit at the N.C. Museum of History is helping push the cause of historic preservation tax credits. 这次展览展示了北卡罗来纳州东部废弃的历史建筑的照片,题为“乡村复兴:家庭和地方保护的照片”." The photos are by Scott Garlock of Warren County.

与此同时, 由于天气寒冷,文化资源部长苏珊·克卢茨(Susan Kluttz)在365体育足彩恢复税收抵免政策的行程中,被迫推迟了几站. Those events, though, are being rescheduled. If your town has not hosted a stop and would like to do so, please contact the League. Read more about the photography exhibit 在这里. 联系人: 斯科特Mooneyham

The Charlotte City Council has approved a tougher ethics policy for its members, requiring more disclosure about business dealings and banning many gifts. 此前,夏洛特市前市长帕特里克·坎农因联邦腐败指控被定罪. 去年, 众议院考虑了一项提案,但后来放弃了该提案,该提案将对北卡罗来纳州12个最大城市的民选官员施加道德要求. The League opposed the proposal on a variety of grounds, 包括它没有遵循州法律对公职人员和候选人的道德要求. Read previous League coverage about that measure 在这里, and read media coverage of Charlotte ethics rules 在这里.