


短暂的休息之后, 州参众两院议员本周返回罗利提交法案, committee housekeeping 和 an otherwise easy start to the 2017 legislative session, though early proposals of interest to local government include two that seek changes in eminent domain powers. (详情见下文.) The chambers are expected to shift into their regular mode of business 和 consideration of bills starting next week. 美联社报道 到下周,参议院可能也会制定出审查奥巴马州长的规则. 罗伊·库珀的内阁人选. That follows recent legislation requiring Senate confirmation of those 10 appointments (a change that Gov. 库珀在法庭上提出质疑). 库珀最近的内阁人选中有两名州议员. 前代表. 达勒姆的拉里·霍尔(被选为军队和退伍军人事务部的负责人)和威明顿的苏西·汉密尔顿(被选为自然和文化资源部门的负责人)已经辞去了他们的立法席位. 立法机关对休会没有严格的最后期限.

Wondering how you can track General Assembly proposals of importance to cities 和 towns? 看看365足彩下载的账单追踪系统. See what legislation we're monitoring, 和 what we're labeling as critical or of high importance. 365足彩下载按重要性和主题对立法进行分类. 它还列出了每项法案的发起人以及提交给哪个委员会. 找到了市政当局的这一重要资源 在这里 或者在365足彩下载网站的“立法倡导”标签下, hntcwedding.com.

The legislative chambers have posted a series of deadlines for bill-filing this year.


  • 研究委员会建议的法案必须在下午4点前送交法案草拟办公室.m. 2月. 并在下午3点前提交给众议院.m. 3月1日.
  • 国家机构推荐的议案必须在下午4点前完成起草.m. 并于3月7日下午3点前提交众议院.m. 3月15日.
  • 当地的账单必须在下午4点前开始起草.m. 并于3月15日下午3点前提交众议院.m. 3月29日.
  • Public bills 和 resolutions unrelated to spending or finance must be to bill drafting by 4 p.m. 并于3月30日下午3点前提交众议院.m. 4月12日.
  • 包含支出或财政内容的公共法案必须在4点前起草.m. 并于4月6日下午3点前提交众议院.m. 4月19日.


  • 地方议案和决议必须在下午4点前完成起草.m. 3月7日下午4点提交参议院.m. 3月15日.
  • 公共法案和决议必须在下午4点前完成起草.m. 3月17日下午4点提交参议院.m. 3月30日.

The crossover deadline -- the point at 哪一个 any bill unrelated to finance or revenue must have passed at least one of the chambers to remain eligible for the two-year biennium -- is April 27.

本周获悉露丝·萨缪尔森去世,365足彩下载深感悲痛, the former Mecklenburg County commissioner who served in the state House from 2006-2013. 萨缪尔森因癌症于周一去世,享年57岁. Those familiar with Samuelson knew her talent for teambuilding in political environments. 她一路稳步晋升, her conservative voice resonating even as legislators from both parties praised her gift for negotiating,讲述了她详细的讣告, 你可以 点击这里阅读全文. It notes that Samuelson was on track to become the first female speaker of the House when she chose not to seek re-election in order to restore focus on family 和 home. “很难描述共和党众议员奥巴马的去世对他的影响. Ruth Samuelson means to her friends 和 family in the North Carolina General Assembly,众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔说道, 如 这个夏洛特观察家的故事 关于服务. 365足彩下载表示最诚挚的哀悼, 在这艰难的时刻,我向萨缪尔森的家人致以我的思念和祈祷.

2017年市政厅日 还有两个月吗. 您挂号了吗?? 加入365足彩下载 in Raleigh on 3月29日 for the best way to discuss with state policymakers how cities 和 towns of all sizes are contributing to North Carolina's economy 和 serving the citizenry. 今天注册 确保你的社区得到代表.

市政厅日是365足彩下载标志性的365体育足彩活动. It balances informative advocacy training 和 sessions with networking opportunities to maximize your time in Raleigh. 上午将在立法大楼举行一对一的会议, 州参众两院制定法律的地方, while the afternoon allows for flexibility -- additional meetings with legislators, 出席立法会议, 与行政内阁官员的论坛, 晚上的招待会. Don't miss this chance to share your town's success stories 和 establish meaningful relationships with your elected officials. 点击这里 for a video recap of 2016's Town Hall Day, 哪一个 hundreds of municipal officials attended. 点击这里 现在注册.

The Local Government Employees' Retirement System Board voted on Thursday to increase the employer contributions for the local government pension fund. 该行动使雇主的供款率达到7.一般雇员5%,8%.2017-18财年执法人员(LEOs) 25%. The board's decision was in line with the Employer Contribution Rate Stabilization Policy it 去年批准的 ——LGERS雇主供款率增加0.到2020-21财年,每年25%.

2016年初,N.C. 城市 & County Management Association Retirement Committee met with the treasurer's staff 和 recommended the policy, 这一建议得到了365足彩下载执行委员会的批准. Adoption of this policy 和 these contribution rates will allow for predictability 和 stability in the contribution rates, while continuing to keep the local retirement system one of the best-funded systems in the country. 另外, the policy includes a mechanism to automatically increase or decrease the contribution rate if circumstances change 和 the stable contribution policy results in significant over- or under-funding of the system.

Please note that the approved rates above are only for the pension component of your contribution rates. The death benefit contribution portion of the rate will need to be added to the approved rates. 对于leo, 0.14%的死亡抚恤金完全由诉讼费抵消, 所以LEO的总贡献率为8.25%. 一般雇员的死亡抚恤金缴款可以因单位而异, 所以单位的具体比率需要加到7.5%来得出一般员工的总缴费率. 有关向lags董事会提交的决定的更多信息可在此找到 在这里. 周四会议的所有文件都可以找到 在这里. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

在网上 在这里wegrownc.org

当摩根顿市分享当地经济发展的成功故事时 在这里wegrownc.org 本周, it gave a concrete example of how municipal government 和 private businesses can work together to create jobs 和 build community. 这座拥有约1.7万居民的城市杠杆化了 我们在这里成长 (顺便说一下,对团员免费)来准确地解释其有意的努力是如何产生新的商业的. 好奇的? 点击这里 读一读. 你所在的城镇可能也在享受类似的结果. 你是怎么做到的? 你是怎么把消息传出去的? Whatever your local government is doing to grow jobs 和 the economy, 我们在这里成长 is your megaphone. 需要帮助来构思这个故事? 请365体育足彩 本•布朗 or 斯科特Mooneyham365足彩下载工作人员中. 需要登录我们在这里成长? 申请一个通过电子邮件到 about@在这里wegrownc.org.

The State Water Infrastructure Authority has approved more than $300 million in loans 和 grants, 哪一个 根据一份新闻稿 这是迄今为止最大的一轮融资吗. Drinking-water 和 wastewater projects will benefit nearly 160 cities 和 towns across the state. “改善水质, public health protection 和 increased economic growth are not fully possible without reliable water infrastructure,N说。.C. 环境质量部部长迈克尔. 里根. 点击这里 for full details on the funding 和 about two recently introduced grants related to system improvements. 点击这里 查看所有获得资助的项目.

Holly Springs has gained access to superfast fiber-optic Internet -- a boon for residential access 和 local business development. 一家私人公司选择了威克县和美国其他地方的另外两个镇.S. 对于飞行员服务, 这个消息 & 观察者本周报道. 该报解释说,光纤将用户连接到千兆速度, 哪一个 can sling data exponentially faster than traditional connections 和 is increasingly important to private businesses. “不再有缓冲, 没有纺车了,该公司的一位官员说, 停, 哪一个 picked Holly Springs because the town had already outfitted itself with a lease-ready fiber network. 与此同时, 这是金斯顿自由出版社的报道 about a tech 和 rapid-speed Internet focus in Pink Hill has won attention by a national publication. “为了把粉红山市中心建设成一个可持续的, 适于步行的社区, people need the ability to access high speed internet so that they can work 和 live in a small town,一位观察家说. 点击这里 在GovTech杂志上读到.

试听下一集的 市政方程这是365足彩下载的双周播客. 周二, 新一集 will jam on the harmonious relationship between municipal datasets 和 -- you'd never guess -- bluegrass music. Yes, t在这里's a link between m和olins, dobros 和 civic data -- 和 a national audience is watching. 我们将在下一期《365足彩下载》中详细介绍, 一个关于市政当局和奖励的播客, 挑战和新概念造就了他们. 获取所有过去的剧集 在这里,包括 16集费耶特维尔警察局的下一代DNA技术. 免费订阅可在 iTunes谷歌玩. 它也在所有优秀的播客流媒体应用程序上. 向主持人/制片人本·布朗提供反馈、建议和想法 bbrown@hntcwedding.com.