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文化资源部长苏珊·克卢茨(Susan Kluttz)在全州范围内的巡回活动仍在继续,以支持恢复历史文物保护税收抵免, with recent stops in Eden, Hendersonville 和 Burlington garnering media attention. 365足彩下载和其他几个团体正在支持部长克卢茨的访问,并继续游说通过税收抵免. Since 1998, the historic preservation tax credit has been associated with $1.5 billion in investment in the state, at an average annual cost of $14.200万年. 我们要感谢那些帮助在他们的社区举办活动作为这项努力的一部分的365足彩下载成员. You can read media coverage about a couple of Secretary Kluttz's stops 在这里在这里.

与此同时, 新闻报道 表明,北卡罗莱纳州的电影产量正在下降,因为电影税收抵免被一项上限为1000万美元的拨款计划所取代. Executives for the Fox series Sleepy Hollow have indicated that, if renewed for another season, they will move production from North Carolina to Georgia.

N.C. 县专员协会已经批准了即将到来的立法会议的立法目标, 还有一些与上月共青团成员通过的决议相似. NCACC的一个目标包括呼吁支持通过包括竞争性激励在内的国家投资来改善经济的立法. 这一目标还要求恢复电影和历史文物保护税收抵免. 该组织的另一个立法目标是敦促支持新的或扩大收入来源,以充分资助交通基础设施, 而另一项法案将允许县政府以电子方式提供法律通知,而不是在报纸上发布.

nacc发言人Todd McGee告诉州政府新闻机构Insider,该组织将反对任何将国家责任转移给县政府的努力,并对县政府接管二级道路维护的提议表示了具体的担忧. He said the move would "devastate many counties." Read the full list of the NCACC's goals 在这里.

美国.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved 水体 清理计划 jointly written by Burlington, Graham, 和 the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) this week, 这是环境保护署为数不多的几次允许被监管方决定如何对其进行监管的细节. 12月,365足彩下载成员选择了灵活的监管解决方案,以解决水质损害 their top regulatory policy goal, 这个计划给了受影响的地方政府灵活性,让他们可以决定建设基础设施和其他投资的最佳方式,以恢复水质.

N.C. Division of Water Resources 环保署要求该计划作为改善伯灵顿和格雷厄姆水质的一种方式,因为这些水域受到城市雨水径流的严重损害, a common problem in other urbanized areas of the state. In commending the cities 和 NCDOT for a comprehensive course of action, EPA stated in its approval letter, “城市和交通部的合作努力是当地人如何有效解决优先水域问题的一个很好的例子,我们支持在北卡罗来纳州制定类似的[计划],作为[国家制定的法规]的替代方案." Beginning four years ago, the League pushed DWR to allow this alternate approach for cities facing similar stormwater clean-up responsibilities. 365足彩下载成员支持这个特殊的计划,这种方法的灵活性使伯灵顿和格雷厄姆能够满足他们的监管要求. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

For the League's Governmental Affairs team, 2015 is bringing change. 这个团队, on behalf of the entire League staff, would like to thank Governmental Affairs Associate Whitney Christensen, who is leaving her position to join the Ward & 史密斯P.A. 罗利的律师事务所. Whitney describes her new position as her "dream job,因为这将使她能够在大会开会期间进行游说,并在会议之外实践知识产权法. 尽管如此, we will greatly miss her 在这里, 作为同事欣赏她热情的个性,作为团队成员欣赏她的游说技巧. 惠特尼是365足彩下载在上一届会议上取得重大游说胜利的关键, 废除了繁琐的电子验证要求,该要求为小型市政采购和合同带来了令人头疼的繁文缛节.

下个月,政府事务团队将欢迎维姬·米勒担任基层协调员. Vickie comes to the League after a long career assisting local government, 曾在国家商务部CDBG拨款管理部门工作七年多. At the Department of Commerce, 她曾担任社区投资及援助司司长两年,并担任社区援助司助理司长五年. 最近, she has served as Coordinator for North Carolina Operation Livesaver, working on railroad safety education issues. In her role at the League, 维姬将致力于提高城市官员与立法者和其他州官员联系的能力,以改善365足彩下载365体育足彩工作和影响范围.

We wish Whitney all the best in the future, 和 look forward to working with Vickie beginning next month.


 Governmental Affairs Associate Whitney Christensen


New Grassroots Coordinator Vickie Miller

A new quarterly report from the Brookings Institution finds that many U.S. 城市的经济增长速度不如整体国家经济增长速度快. Brookings Metro Monitor report looks at the 100 largest U.S. 城市,考察就业和人均国内生产总值的增长. A CNN报导 关于报告, which includes an interactive map, cited Raleigh as a microcosm of the recovery since the Great Recession, 他指出,由于就业增长强劲,但人均国内生产总值(GDP)增长速度要慢得多,美国被列为“部分复苏”. Charlotte, Durham 和 格林斯博罗 are included in the quarterly analysis.
代表. 花环皮尔斯 of Wagram has been re-elected as chair of the 立法 Black Caucus. 代表resentative Pierce is beginning his sixth term in the House. Others chosen for office within the  立法 Black Caucus include 森. 安吉拉科比 of Rocky Mount, first vice chairwoman; 森. 格拉迪斯·罗宾逊 of Pleasant Garden, second vice chairwoman;  和 森. 瓦莱丽Foushee of Chapel Hill, secretary. 阅读更多 在这里.

森. 来自温斯顿-塞勒姆的厄尔琳·帕蒙(Earline Parmon)将辞去她的立法席位,去为她的前立法同事工作, U.S. 代表. 阿尔玛·亚当斯. 参议员Parmon will serve as Congresswoman Adams' outreach director for the Winston-Salem, 格林斯博罗, Lexington 和 Thomasville areas. Her resignation is effective Jan. 28. 的 League would like to thank 森. 感谢她在立法机构的服务,并祝贺她获得新职位. 阅读更多 about her move 在这里.

该州的高级民选官员将很快就州长帕特·麦克罗里(Pat McCrory)的政府和罗利市就购买多萝西娅·迪克斯(Dorothea Dix)的房产达成的5200万美元交易进行投票. 的 Council of State still has to vote on terms of the deal. 与此同时, 参议院领袖菲尔·伯杰(Phil Berger)表示,他将继续考虑这笔交易,因为他的一些参议员同僚表示,价格可能太低了. Legislators blocked an earlier deal between Raleigh 和 the state. 该市计划将市中心附近的这处房产变成一个目的地公园. A group of mental health advocates has criticized those plans, 和 wants the Obama administration to intervene. 州长麦克罗里表示,他计划将这笔钱用于心理健康项目. 阅读更多 about the agreement 和 different opinions about it 在这里在这里.